Thursday, October 2, 2008

If You Have Kids...


Doctors Urge FDA to Recall Cold Medicines for Children

PLEASE don't give this stuff to your precious kids. I know you just want to help them. I know you do, but no research has shown that cold medicines actually help kids. Really, all we've seen are dangerous and potentially deadly side effects.

Your kids WILL recover from their colds, naturally. They need no medicine for that. God created their bodies to heal. Trust His creation.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

BPA...The FDA Says It's Not Harmful

Research shows otherwise. Check out this article:

FDA Says BPA is OK Despite Concerns Raised in New Study

According to the article, "A study released Tuesday by the Journal of the American Medical Association suggested a new concern about BPA. Because of the possible public health implications, the results "deserve scientific follow-up," the study authors said. Using a health survey of nearly 1,500 adults, they found that those exposed to higher amounts of BPA were more likely to report having heart disease and diabetes."

Educate yourself and take the necessary precautions. Sadly, you can't depend on the FDA to always look out for your best interests.

Monday, September 15, 2008

MILLIONS Affected by Drugs in Their Drinking Water

Do you live in Georgia, Alabama, Nevada, or Colorado? If so, I have news you need to read. If you live elsewhere...guess what? You need to read it to. If it's happening here and affecting myself and my fellow neighbors, it could very well be happening where you live too.
Wonder what I'm talking about?

Testing prompted by an Associated Press about trace amounts of pharmaceuticals in drinking water has shown that more Americans are affected by the problem than previously thought -- at least 46 million.

46 million people are ingesting drugs that are not meant for them through their drinking water. We're bathing in it, soaking it into our skin. We're cooking with it, giving it to our children. Does this sound safe to you? It's no wonder so many people are so sick. It's no wonder immune systems are constantly weakened and people are getting cancer right and left.
This, my friends, is dangerous. I don't care how much the FDA tries to convince us that these drugs aren't affecting us, think about it. How could they not?

To read the whole article, click on the link below:

46 Million Affected by Trace Drugs in Drinking Water

Monday, August 25, 2008

More on Measles

All I can say is WOW! Barbara Loe Fisher does it again. She takes a stern look at the CDC's finger pointing and lays out loads of facts on the MMR vaccine, measles, and today's newest controversial vaccine, Gardasil. Check it out:

Gardasil Meets Measles: A Coincidence?

The Great Measles Epidemic of 2008

I'm sure you've seen the stories. I certainly have. I've been emailed, anonymously told on this blog, and I also read the news. It would be hard to miss. Wondering what I'm talking about? Take a look at this news story:

Measles Outbreak May be Linked to Vaccine Fears

In this article, they take many shots at families who choose not to vaccinate. Those families, families like my own, are having the finger pointed at them because of the current measles outbreaks (which, in the big scheme of things, there is NO epidemic). Funny thing is, if you read the very first sentence in this news story you see something a little (ok, a lot) contradictory. Let me show you:

"Measles cases in the U.S. are at the highest level in more than a decade, with nearly half of those involving children whose parents rejected vaccination, health officials reported Thursday."

Did you catch what I caught when you read the opening sentence? If not, let me show you what caught my eye.
"...with nearly half of those involving children who parents rejected vaccination..."
Nearly half. Not the total group, not half, nearly half.
Webster's dictionary defines "nearly" this way: 1: in a close manner or relationship, 2 a: almost but not quite.

So, based on Webster's definition and the article on, almost, but not quite half of the measles cases came from unvaccinated children. NOT QUITE HALF. So that means that the other half, or actually slightly more than half, came from VACCINATED children. Funny how the news and the CDC can spin things, huh?

Seems to me, the CDC should be examining why the half who were vaccinated got the measles. The story even goes on to say that some of the unvaccinated children were too young for the vaccine. That is why they had not received it. See again, the families who choose not to vaccinate are being blamed for those numbers too. Somehow they got grouped in with the rest of us. Fair? No. Accurate? No.

Later, the article flips and gives a higher number for unvaccinated children. Honestly, the article is filled with inconsistencies. Regardless, I'm going to share with you what I shared with a friend who sent me this article:

While I certainly wouldn't like to see my boys get the measles, I trust that they would survive if they got it. Based on the facts that they are healthy, well-adjusted, and have good nutritional habits, I think they would get through measles and would then develop a life long immunity to it, just as they will chicken pox.

Like any parent who loves their children, I hate to see my kids suffer. I would feel terrible for them if they were to contract measles; however, I am much more willing to watch them conquer the measles than to suffer a disabling side effect from the MMR vaccine.

Not only have I see a lot of research on the dangerous ingredients in the vaccine, I have also read testimony after testimony of parents who had totally normal children pre-vaccine, and literally hours after receiving the MMR vaccine, they had zombies.
Also, as a Christian, I absolutely disagree with the choice of using human diploid cells from aborted fetal tissues in the vaccine (as listed in the MMR vaccine packet). Abortion is wrong, so why is it ok to use aborted fetal tissues? Because they're dead anyway? It's wrong. I don't want my children to have any part of that.

In the MMR pamphlet, there is a section under "Warnings":
They tell anyone currently with or who has a family history of convulsions, cerebral injury, or any other condition in which stress due to fever should be avoided.

My aunt has epilesy and convulsions.

The pamphlet also says, "As for any vaccine, vaccination with the MMR II may not result in protection in 100% of vaccines."

So it may not protect my kids from an illness that nearly all kids in America would be able to recover from, but may cause permanent disability? For me and our family, we find the risk to outweigh the benefits.

As for this big measles outbreak among the unvaccinated, history has shown many outbreaks among the vaccinated. However, with more parents opting out of vaccines, of course the CDC wants to highlight today's unvaccinated spreading measles. Of course.

Here is a super informative article that highlights even more information on the MMR vaccine. Check it out:

The MMR Vaccine: What the Manufacturer's Insert Tells Us

The CNN article also says:

"Pediatricians are frustrated, saying they are having to spend more time convincing parents that the shot is safe."

"This year, we certainly have had parents asking more questions," said Dr. Ari Brown, an Austin, Texas, physician who is a spokeswoman for the American Academy of Pediatrics."

I'm sorry, what? Pediatricians are frustrated because they are having to calm parents fears? They are frustrated because they're having to answer questions about the safety of vaccines? Because parents want to be informed BEFORE they put potentially dangerous chemicals into their most precious cargo, their children? Really, pediatricians? That is frustrating to you? For those parents who are questioning your child's healthcare, I APPLAUD you! You are doing your job as a parent. Keep up the good work! Oh, and there are great pediatricians out there who are eager to answer the questions you have. I encourage you to find one of those. Don't settle for someone who gets irritated because you want to know what you're doing to your kids before you do it.

Here are more interesting articles:

Just How Protected Against the Measles Are We Anyway?

Measles Vaccines Undeniably Linked to Autism

Finnish Study Attempts to Confirm MMR Safety

Thursday, August 21, 2008

More Parents Are Refusing to Vaccinate

And it may not be the parents you would expect. Many educated middle class families are opting out of vaccinations. To read more, check out the following story:

Intelligent, Informed Parents Are Refusing to Give Their Children Vaccines

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Do YOU Just Want to be Sustained...

Or do you want to be healthy? Check out Dr. Dan's most recent newsletter where he addresses this very topic.

The Blind Leading the Blind

Got Diabetes? You May Want to Know About This

The FDA is calling for a stronger label for a commonly used diabetes drug, Byetta. According to the article on, "The Food and Drug Administration said Monday it has received six new reports of patients developing a dangerous form of pancreatitis while taking Byetta. Two of the patients died and four were recovering."

Check out the story:

FDA Reports Deaths With Diabetes Drug Byetta

Thursday, August 14, 2008

New Study Sheds Light on Reactions to Antibiotics

The story I just read on starts out this way:

Bad reactions to antibiotics, mostly allergic ones, send people to U.S. emergency rooms more than 140,000 times each year, government researchers reported on Wednesday. The findings offer another reason for doctors to limit their use of the drugs, which are overused in the United States, the team at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said. "This number is an important reminder for physicians and patients that antibiotics can have serious side effects and should only be taken when necessary," said the CDC's Dr. Daniel Budnitz, who led the study.

140,000 emergency room visits! Those are just the ones that are reported. Two super popular antibiotics, penicillin and amoxicillin, accounted for HALF the reactions. The study says that 78% of the visits were due to allergic reactions, and the remaining 22% were caused by errors.
An estimated 100 million antibiotic prescriptions are written every year. A lot of studies say that more than half of those prescriptions are unnecessary. I take it a step further, I say they are unnecessary AND harmful. Most times, antibiotics are prescribed for viruses. Antibiotics are absolutely useless for viruses. They are intended for bacterial infections, not viral. In regards to this, the following quote from the article really stood out:

...doctors still often believe their patients are exceptions to the rule and continue to write the prescriptions.

Although antibiotics are common, they are not safe. Every drug has side effects, you just don't know how they may affect you...and often times, until it's too late. Don't be another statistic. Only take medications when it is absolutely necessary, for emergency purposes. Give your body and chance to heal. God designed your body to heal. Give it a chance.

To read the whole story, check out the link below:

Study Finds 140,000 Bad Reactions to Antibiotics

Friday, August 8, 2008

When it Comes to Kids, Just Because it's OTC...

...Doesn't mean it's safe. You may have read my post about the little girl whose parents are suing Johnson and Johnson after she went blind from taking Children's Motrin. If not, check it out.

Many parents think that if medicine can be purchased over-the-counter, then it must be safe. Let me assure you, that is not the case. There are many little-known dangers of giving these drugs to children. Some stories are finally making their way to the public (like the dangers of giving small children cold/cough medicines), however, many are not. You need to arm yourself with knowledge...especially when it comes to your children's health! Check out Dr. Mercola's article:

The Little-Known Dangers of Motrin

A small excerpt from this super informative article:

It’s quite common for parents – especially first-time parents -- to rush to give their children OTC drugs for every pain and sniffle. It’s important to remember that in the first year or two of life, your child's immune system is still being formed, and their experiences during this time can often predict whether or not they will have life-long health problems.

Scientific studies continually support the wisdom of limiting exposures to "foreign" substances for children, including synthetic chemicals -- which includes ALL drugs.

But did you know that many OTC drugs contain otherwise BANNED food additives as well? They too can cause serious side effects, even though they’re not the main ingredient.

According to an expose’ by the British Food Commission last year, ALL BUT ONE pediatric OTC medicine out of 41 contained an additive that had been banned.

The additives found in these drugs included:

Your child deserve the best care possible. Please do all you can to make sure that your baby receives the care he/she deserves. Remember that God equipped our bodies to heal, we need only to get out of the way and allow Him to work in our bodies. We need to be sure we're feeding our kids healthy foods and make sure that they are getting adequate exercise. We also need to make sure our kids' nervous systems are functioning at their best.
Our kids deserve the very best! Let's do our part to make sure they get what they deserve.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Money for Promoting Vaccines

Barbara Loe Fisher does it again. She has written a great post about the hidden vaccine risks and who is making $$$ behind closed doors. Check it out:

Voices for Hiding Vaccine Risks: Follow the $

She sites a report that CBS News did on July 25 that reported on some of the financial ties between vaccine manufacturers and non-profit organizations and individuals who are aggressively pushing vaccines.

A quote from her post:

When you connect the dots in a "Follow the Vaccine Money" exercise, you don't have to look very far to see who is paying who to promote unquestioning faith in the safety of vaccines and one- size-fits-all vaccine policies. It takes a lot of money for the drug companies and their allies to persuade parents that it is necessary to pump 69 doses of 16 vaccines into children from birth to age 18 to keep them healthy.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Broken Chains

Check out Dr. Dan's latest blog post to read a powerful testimony from Tony, one of his patients that was set free from high blood pressure, erectile dysfunction, "high" pulse rate, and vasovagal syndrome. Being set free from these "medical conditions" enabled him to be set free from his medications as well. YEA! To read Tony's story, check out Dr. Dan's post:

Broken Chains

Thursday, July 31, 2008

You HAVE GOT TO Be Kidding Me

I have no words for this. Oh, wait. Yes I do. How lazy can we possibly get??? If you want to know what I'm talking about, check out this story I found on

Couch Potatoes Rejoice: Scientists Say 'Exercise in a Pill' Possible to Fight Obesity, Diabetes


If you went to the dentist for the first time at age 45, and your teeth were full of cavities because you had not taken proper care of them, would you then neglect to take your children? Would you leave them home to develop the same problems that you went in to get fixed?

This question is probably a no-brainer for you. Of course you wouldn't. You would take your child in so that they could be spared the trouble, the pain, and the expense of fixing years of neglect of their teeth. You would take your child in to prevent such a catastrophe.

Let me encourage you to do this in all areas of your children's health. You see, in our chiropractic office, we often see adults come in with severe damage to their spines. They are in pain and are willing to do just about anything to relieve some of it. Problem is, some of these patients have years of degeneration in their bones as a result of failure to properly take care of their spines. They can be helped, but once degeneration sets in, that bone doesn't grow back. Those bones will always rub one another, thus causing pain and unease (not to mention disease~but that's another post). Nevertheless, it is still extremely important for those patients to continue to get their spines adjusted, not only to help with the problems that have already developed, but also to prevent further problems from developing.

How does degeneration happen? Simple. It's just like a car's tires. If you never have the wheels on your car aligned, your tires will wear down. They won't last as long, and before you know it, you'll be replacing tires that should have lasted much longer. The same is true of your spine. Chiropractors correct misaligments (subluxations) in your spine. When these subluxations are corrected and your bones are in proper alignment, they don't rub against each other, and degeneration is prevented.

I can't tell you how many patients we have seen over the years who have had surgeries, spinal blocks, pain pills to "patch" their spinal problems and degeneration (and let me assure you, spinal blocks, pain pills, and often back surgeries are just patches). Let's go back to the tire illustration again. If your tires are misaligned, and you fail to align them, opting rather to put a patch over the balding on the edges, your tires are no better off. They will fail. You will have to replace them. It will cost you more money, more time, more hassle. A little prevention goes a long way!!!

Children fall. Kids have traumatic births (I mean, think of moving down that birth canal!). They get tossed around. They get subluxations. They need and deserve to have their spines checked. Not only does it help increase their immune systems, but it also prevents degeneration and pain as they age.

Don't leave your kids home to develop problems that you go in to get fixed. And if you haven't had your spine checked, I strongly encourage you to do so. It is SO important! If you don't know of a good wellness chiropractor (not all chiropractors practice wellness) in your town, let me know, and I'll do my best to find you one. It really could save your life!

I have another post planned on the importance of chiropractic and how it relates to allergies, asthma, the immune system, etc. Be on the lookout!

I'll leave you with this. Your tires can be replaced. Although it may be a hassle and expensive to constantly replace your tires because of lack of maintenance, they can be replaced. You only have one spine. Each of your kids has only one spine. It can't be replaced. No matter how much money you throw at doctors, it can't be replaced. Make sure your kids' spines are properly aligned. It's one of the greatest things you can do for their health!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Vaccination, Ignorance, Prejudice & Greed

Check out Barbara Loe Fisher's latest post about her experience at the Netroots NationProgressive Blogger Conference in Austin, Texas. She shares some really great information and has videos from the conference. Check it out:

Vaccination, Ignorance, Prejudice & Greed

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Cholesterol Drugs for Our Kids?

This story keeps popping up in the news, and it's really frightening. The American Academy of Pediatrics is now recommending that some children as young as eight be given cholesterol-lowering drugs in order to prevent future heart problems.

Why would we give our kids cholesterol drugs when we could just feed them healthy foods? This makes absolutely no sense to me and is incredibly dangerous. You see, cholesterol drugs (statins) have the dangerous side effect of...are you ready for this...increased rate of heart disease! The following are some other dangerous side effects of statin drugs:

  • Weakness
  • Muscle aches
  • An increase in cancer risk
  • Immune system suppression
  • Serious degenerative muscle tissue condition (rhabdomyolysis)
  • Potential increase in liver enzymes so patients must be monitored for normal liver function

To read more about this story and to find out how you can lower your kids cholesterol naturally, check out this article on
Why Are Cholesterol Drugs Being Recommended for Eight Year Olds?

Saturday, July 19, 2008

If You Live in the South, I'm Sure You're Proud

The south leads yet another poll. This time we lead the nation in obesity. According to a CDC survey, "More than 30 percent of adults in Mississippi, Alabama, and Tennessee are obese." Another thing I found interesting in the CNN article I read this morning is that Colorado ranked lowest with only 19 percent.

Ok, can I just say that I am somewhat fascinated by Colorado? I have never been, yet I know a lot of people who live or have lived out there. In college, some friends went out there to "enjoy the land", to be "earthy", to "chill", to "find themselves", etc. It was kind of the cool thing to do. And in talking to those who have actually lived out there, I've learned that in Colorado, they're really healthy people. For the most part, they exercise, avoid drugs and medications when possible, and a lot opt for natural childbirth. In Colorado, that's the norm.

Again let me say, I've never been to Colorado. My hubby's been skiing out there, but I have never been. In all honesty, I don't know if I would enjoy the cold weather so much. However, their lifestyle is really attractive to me. I want to live in a region where health is important to people; a place where people take care of themselves so that they don't have to be on tons of medication; a place where people don't look at you like you've got a third eye because you choose to deliver your baby without medication or because you opt out of forced vaccination. How cool is that?!

There's a reason Colorado has so many healthy citizens. Hey South, I think it's time we study them and see how it is they got to be so healthy. Maybe then, we could get off of some of these embarrassing studies and polls.

Oh, and to read the whole CNN article, click the link below:

CDC Survey: South Leads Nation in Obesity

Friday, July 18, 2008

The 10 Seconds of Pain, I Can Handle

Yikes! I haven't found much time for this blog over the past week. Finding the deals around town has kept me pretty busy, I guess. But now I'm back. This particular post isn't going to share any major story I've found in the news. In this post, I am just going to share my heart.

As a mom who has chosen, based on massive amounts of research, not to vaccinate her children, it bothers me to hear that some people assume that I (and other parents who make the same choice) choose not to vaccinate my children because I can't handle watching my boys in pain as the shots are administered. Do you know that people seriously believe that I would withhold something "beneficial" from my children simply because I don't have the guts to watch them in pain for a few seconds? Seriously, people believe that. You may even believe that.

When I get that comment or hear it whispered, I never know whether to laugh (I mean, seriously???), to cry, to shout, to explain my stance, to offer research supporting my decision, or to just ignore it (which is what I usually do). In my mind I think what mother would withhold something "beneficial" from her children because of a few seconds of pain? I can assure you, if those mothers are out there, and maybe they are, I am certainly not one of them. I withhold vaccinations from my boys because I, without a shadow of doubt, believe they are harming children all over our country (and world). I firmly, 100%, believe that. You see, my boys' 10 seconds of pain I could handle. It's the lifetime of consequences from potentially dangerous chemicals being injected into their bodies that I can't. I don't force anyone else to agree with me; however, I would hope that people would give me more credit than to believe I would keep anything from my children that I thought could help them (especially when you're talking "saving lives").

I don't like to watch my boys in pain. I don't. Does any parent? I don't like to discipline my children. I do it, though. I do it because it is what God has called me, as a parent, to do. I do it because I LOVE my boys more than I hate to watch them deal with moments of pain. I love them so much and want only the best for them. That is why I discipline them, and likewise, that is why Channing and I have made the very tough and personal decision not to vaccinate them. It was a decision we made for our family. We realize that each family has to make its own choice.

We don't judge those families who choose in favor of vaccination, and I just ask that our family (and other families who have made the same choice) be extended the same lack of judgment. AND as always, research everything BEFORE you take the leap!

Blessings to you and your family!!!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

More on Gardasil

A couple of days ago, I posted the latest news on victims of the Merck vaccine, Gardasil. I said in the post that I had a newsletter that you guys needed to see. I've got it for you. Check out Barbara Loe Fisher's article:

HPV Vaccine Victims Pile Up: $1.5B for Merck

Here is her opening paragraph:

While Merck has pulled in $1.5B from sales of GARDASIL vaccine worldwide, there are continuing reports that girls are being crippled and dying after getting the HPV vaccine fast tracked and licensed by the FDA in 2006. Although the roll-out of GARDASIL with an unparalleled multi-million dollar mass media advertising blitz has created a profitable market for the drug company that took huge losses from Vioxx injury/death lawsuits, the persistent reports of Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS) paralysis, arthritis, seizures and sudden loss of consciousness within 24 hours of vaccination continue to haunt the marketing campaign.

Check out the article to read more. This is definitely worth your time. If you have a daughter or have been considering getting this vaccine, you need to hear what your doctor may not tell you (he/she may not know himself).

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Blackbox Warnings for Antibiotics

If you're living and breathing, chances are you have taken or have been prescribed antibiotics. I have. During my lifetime, I've been on countless rounds of antibiotics. Why? Well, because they're so accepted. Antibiotics are assumed to be safe and something that many assume always helps. What I didn't realize until I got older and started researching these things myself is that antibiotics are not always safe, necessary, or helpful. More often than not, they are over-prescribed and can be extremely dangerous. Because of the pressure many MDs feel to help complaining patients, they often prescribe antibiotics even when they know they won't help. You see, antibiotics are designed to help bacterial infections; however, they are often prescribed for viral...and they are absolutely useless for that. In those cases, they do WAY more harm than good.

I'm sure you've seen the news stories about superbugs which are being created by resistance to antibiotics. Because we, as a society, have over-prescribed and over-taken antibiotics, they are being rendered useless. We are creating much more dangerous superbugs which laugh at our antibiotics. Sad, but true.

I'm sure you've heard all of these things, whether you have chosen to heed the warnings or not, I don't know. What you may not know, though, is that some antibiotics are actually killing people. I read about some of these antibiotics in a Reader's Digest magazine a few months back and did a post about it. Now antibiotics are in the news again. This time because the FDA has ordered 'black box' warnings on some of these drugs. For those who don't know what 'black box' warning labels are, they are the strongest warnings issued by the FDA when it comes to medications. It's serious stuff because you may already know the FDA doesn't issue many (enough) serious warnings about medication, and when they do, it's often slow coming. Anyway...

According to an article on, "The U.S. Food and Drug Administration Tuesday ordered the makers of certain antibiotics to add a "black box" label warning -- the FDA's strongest -- to alert patients of possible tendon ruptures and tendonitis." The article says that in some of the cases where this happened, there was absolutely no warning. Scary, right?

The article goes on to say, "Public Citizen, founded in 1971 by consumer activist Ralph Nader, said more than 400 cases of tendon rupture and more than 300 cases of tendonitis in patients using fluoroquinolones were reported between November 1997 and December 2007.

"Because only a small fraction of cases are typically reported to the FDA, the actual number of ruptures and other tendon injuries attributable to the antibiotic is much higher," the group said."

As I say often, always weigh the benefits and risks of any medication you take. There is no such thing as a safe medication. Every single one carries some sort of side effect(s). AND research, research, research. Check out how other people have responded. And, give your body a chance to heal itself. That's the way God designed it.

Blessings to you!!!

Monday, July 7, 2008

On My Way to a Cleansed Liver

It's been a tough day. Channing and I just started a 21 day detoxification and purification cleanse. Channing is beyond thrilled. I, on the other hand, am counting down my 21 days as if I were in a prison. I'm the old fashioned southern girl. I like to eat...a lot! I am all about health, but nutrition is one area where I need a lot of work. I eat a lot and a lot of the wrong things. Give me candy, ice cream, and fried chicken fingers (from Guthries, of course), and I'm happy. Give me 10 supplements to take three times a day, along with boring meat and veggies (no Sonic slushes), and I'm a little sad.

This is Channing's second or third cleanse but only my first. Although I'm not excited about the process, I am thrilled about the impending results. I'm excited to clean out my liver because I know it is SO important. It's the filter of my body. It can only work well if it's not loaded with junk. Too, and my super main focus, is that I will probably lose some weight (Channing keeps reminding me that the liver should be my main focus. Yeah, yeah. That too. ;)). YEA!!! I am ready to lose what's left of the baby pooch.

The cleanse we're doing is from Standard Process. It's a great company that uses all organic supplements. And, according to Standard Process, there are approximately 80,000 synthetic chemicals registered for use in the U.S. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that hundreds of these chemicals are present in our bodies. Research has shown that many of these chemicals can disrupt our immune, endocrine, nervous, and reproductive systems. Then they list the following as examples of external and internal toxins:

External Toxins:
Air and water pollutants
Cigarette Smoke
Heavy metals
Household cleaning products
Pesticides and herbicides

Internal Toxins:
Carbon dioxide
Free radicals

We've had several patients in our office who have gotten GREAT results, so I'm excited to join their ranks. Now if I can just remind myself that this is good for me, I'll be doing well. ;)

7,802 Adverse Events Reported to CDC Since Approval of Gardasil

Curious about Gardasil, the vaccine that Merck developed to treat and prevent cervical cancer caused by HPV, a SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASE? If you have considered getting this vaccine or have thought about having your daughter receive this vaccine, you need to read the article I found on CNN.


A stand out quote:

Girls and women have blamed the vaccine for causing ailments from nausea to paralysis -- even death. Fifteen deaths were reported to the FDA, and 10 were confirmed...

I also received a super informative newsletter from NVIC on this subject that I am eager to share. As soon as I get the link for the information, I'll post it. YOU NEED TO KNOW BEFORE YOU CONSENT.

Where Does the Lying End and the Truth Begin?


I don't really know what else to say about this other than BE CAREFUL! Check out this article from June 8, 2008's New York Times:

Researchers Take Drug Company Pay, Then Lie About It

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Kidney Cancer Vaccine Does Not Impress

According to a study released Friday, a new kidney cancer vaccine has failed to improve a person's odds of avoiding remission after tumor-removing surgery.

Click the title below for the whole story:

Kidney cancer vaccine falls short in clinical trial: study

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

A No-Brainer

I recently had an anonymous poster ask me why I don't vaccinate my children. While I have shared my reasons throughout several posts on this blog, I came across this article today written by Barbara Loe Fisher. Fisher is the mother of a child who was injured by a vaccine. Her article is very well written and pretty much covers, word for word, my personal feelings on vaccination.
If you, too, wonder why Channing and I have opted out of vaccination, check out this article:

A No-Brainer: Obey the M.D. With the Needle or My Conscience?

My favorite quote from the article:

Therefore, vaccination is a medical procedure that could reasonably be termed experimental each time it is performed on an individual, whether that individual is healthy or has an undiagnosed health condition or genetic predisposition that could raise the risk for being harmed by vaccination.

Blind at Age Six After Taking Motrin

Read the heartbreaking account given by an 11 year old girl who was rendered near-blind after being given three doses of Children's Motrin.

11-Year-Old Girl Tells of Losing Sight in 'Motrin Blindness' Trial

I know some of you are probably thinking to yourselves, "How often does that happen? That is really rare. I don't need to stress over that happening to my kids." The thing is, that's probably exactly what her parents thought too. Children's Motrin is considered by many to be a safe drug. The thing is, there is no such thing as a safe drug. Every drug has side effects, whether you realize it or not. Certainly some drugs have more dangerous side effects than others; however, they all carry some sort of side effects.

That is why you really have to weigh the benefits and risks EVERY time you take a drug, of any kind. Just because it's sold over-the-counter doesn't mean it's safe.

We forget that God created our bodies to heal themselves and that we don't need a drug for every single thing that comes our way. I hope that you will think of that the next time some kind of ill comes your way or, most especially, when it comes your children's way.

God bless!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Have a Fantastic Friday!

We all know the importance of exercise. Not only does it keep us physically fit and healthy, but it also is a great stress reliever and can be lots of fun. I encourage you to get together with someone you love today (a friend, a spouse, a co-worker, etc) and get some exercise. Go for a walk, hit the gym, chase your kids, play in the sprinkler, or even go shopping (just walk briskly) and enjoy the benefits.


"Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness." Genesis 1:26

Thursday, June 26, 2008

When is Enough Enough?

I came across this story today, and it really saddens me. Sometimes I read stories and research and get angry. Today, I'm not angry; rather, I am incredibly sad. My big question is this...when is enough enough? Is it not enough that our children are recommended to receive more than 46 vaccinations between the ages of 0-6, but now a federal advisory panel is recommending MORE. They are recommending that infants receive a new two-dose rotavirus vaccine (from GlaxoSmithKline), in addition to the three-dose vaccine made by Merck and put out in 2006! How many doses do our kids need for rotavirus?!

When is enough enough? My child may get sick from food poisoning. Someone should probably hurry up and make a vaccine for that...just in case! Hey, you know what? My son may get mosquito bites which could cause the deadly west nile virus. HURRY! QUICK! Make a vaccine for that!!! Oh, and my boys swim in the lake. They will probably come into contact with something there. WHERE'S MY LAKE VACCINE?!

As I'm sure you guessed, I was being sarcastic. The thing is, vaccines were originally designed to protect children. Now I feel like they are being used to make rich companies/people the expense of our children. It is, in my humble opinion, not safe to continue loading our precious kids up with dangerous chemicals. How about using some of that money to research the causes of autism, alzheimers, cancer, heart disease, etc? I believe vaccines play a part in some of these diseases.

Oh, and in breaking news U.S. vaccine advisers have also approved and recommend adding TWO multiple vaccines to the regular schedule. Sanofi Aventis's Pentacel is one of the new recommendations. Get this, it protects against five infections at once! Ok, what you need to realize here is that they are trying to use a little psychology. Drug companies are hearing debates like, "Too many too soon", meaning our kids are receiving too many vaccines too soon. Some parents are only looking at the NUMBER of shots their children receive. With this, they can cut down on the amount of shots by loading five vaccines into one. Does that sound safe to you??? Currently, it's the MMR vaccine that is under the scope. It is the one causing so much suspicion because of the three vaccinations in one. It's DANGEROUS! And now we should give our babies FIVE IN ONE?! Seriously?

The other drug recommended is GlaxoSmithKline's Kinrix. It is a four in one shot and a booster for tetanus, diptheria, pertussis, and poliomyelitis. Read the whole story here.

Please know that I am not anti-vaccine. My husband and I have personally chosen not to vaccinate our boys; however, I don't encourage others to take this decision lightly.. We made this choice because we are confident that we are raising our boys in a way that encourages their natural God-given immune systems to strengthen as they should. We try to feed our boys well, give them supplements, and of course, keep their spines adjusted. We have two incredibly healthy boys, and I am SO thankful for that.

What I want people to realize is that our vaccines and vaccine schedules need to be made safe. GREEN OUR VACCINES!!! I am so tired of hearing about global warming and how we need to green this and green that. How about our kids, our future? Don't they deserve a little greening? I believe they do, and I am going to do my part by putting as much education out there as I can find. My hope is that you will make an educated decision regarding your child's healthcare and that you will join me by encouraging our government to take a stand and make our vaccines safe (and, in my opinion, reduce the amount they take).

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Weapons of Mass Destruction

Here is Dr. Dan's weekly newsletter. It's a really good one. Make sure you check it out:

Weapons of Mass Destruction

Robert F. Kennedy speaks out about the vaccine/autism cover up. You NEED to see this! It's only seven minutes of your life but could save your child's life!

And after you watch the video, visit his website and read the research paper he wrote on vaccines. It is incredible and incredibly disturbing. Science backs up what many parents have known...our vaccines need to be made safe!!! The makers of these vaccines were not giving them to their kids but were pushing them on ours. SO disturbing!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

New Book, Inspiring Tale

I found this today on and was inspired. I hope you are too. Check it out:

History of Prozac fight gives hope to underdogs

Monday, June 23, 2008

Saved by Love

This is such a sweet story, I just had to share. Check it out:

3-Year-Old Girl's Cancer Cured by Love of Twin Sister

Thursday, June 19, 2008

FDA Being Sued For Failure to Act

I'm sure you're shocked, right? Anyway, I came across this story and thought I would share:

FDA Sued for Failure to Act on Risky Painkiller

I'm sure you've heard of Darvocet. Well, it appears it has killed upwards of 2,000 people, AND it's no more effective for pain than "safer painkillers" (whatever that means). Anyway, check out the story.

Have a healthy day!!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Could This Be?

Could it be true? It's something I never considered, but Dr. Dan makes some convincing points. Could mammograms actually cause breast cancer? Read his latest newsletter and see what you think:

Mammograms Cause Breast Cancer?

As always, thanks Dr. Dan for sharing your wisdom! To my readers, we have got to stop following the crowd and investigate before we leap into things that could cause more harm than help. Look before you leap!!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Find Out the 8 Drugs That Doctors Won't Take

Check out this story to see:


Opt Out of the Optional C-Section

I'll never forget the summer I worked as a nanny in Atlanta, Georgia. The family I worked for consisted of a grandmother and grandfather who adopted their grandchildren. They lived in an affluent area of the city and were members of a really exclusive country club. A friend and I both worked for the family and often took the kids to the pool at the club to swim and play. At the club, many of the kids were there with nannies like us, but some were there with their mothers. I remember being there one summer day and hearing a couple of the mothers talking about their elective c-sections. The conversation went something like this:

"I already have my c-section scheduled. It only leaves a tee tiny scar, and there's no way I'm pushing a baby out!"

"Me, too. I am definitely going to schedule one."

Since then, I've heard of countless women choosing to have a c-section rather than a vaginal delivery. Ok... when, why, and how did this become the norm? Don't get me wrong, c-sections have their place. Channing's mom delivered him breech and said it took a year to heal. No thank you! If a baby is in great distress, by all means. However, we have got to realize that elective c-sections are not safe or natural. They should be the exception and not the rule.

Check out this article on

C-Section May Complicate Next Pregnancies

I'm Free Part 2

Here is another great newsletter from Dr. Dan Yachter. Check it out:

I'm Free Part 2

If you want to read more about cholesterol-lowering drugs, check out this article on

1.5 Million More People to Be Prescribed Useless Cholesterol Drugs

As always, I encourage you to try the natural route first. Your body deserves it! So many people use drugs that actually mask the problem, rather than getting to the root cause.

Check out this analogy:

You have a rubber band wrapped tightly around your finger. What do you do?

A. Take a painkiller to help the discomfort
B. Put ice on the finger
C. Remove the rubber band

I'm assuming you got the answer right. If you said letter "D", you are correct. The thing is, it's easy to answer this question. It just makes sense that you would remove the root cause of the problem, the rubber band. However, so many people fail this quiz when it applies to themselves and different areas of their own health. How are you doing in your health reality? Are you passing this quiz when it comes to your health?

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Prescription for Disaster Part 2

I STRONGLY encourage everyone to watch this video. It will take 10 minutes of your life but has the potential to add YEARS.

It's time that we stop looking the other way and allowing families to suffer. Satan is at work and has so many people fooled. I am so thankful that I learned this before it was too late and certainly before I had kids. "I once was blind, but now I see!"

Monday, June 9, 2008

Prescription for Disaster

I found this video today and highly recommend everyone watch it. It includes information from MDs about what is going on with the FDA and Big Pharma. It is video that you NEED to see. Whether or not you take FDA approved medication, you know someone who does. You should be armed with information before you ever take any medication, regardless of how safe it may seem. That way, you can weigh the risks and benefits.
This video is part one of nine. Check back to see the other parts. Check it out:

Prescription for Disaster:

Sunday, June 8, 2008


Check out this story:

Teen Refused Chemo, Beat Cancer With 'Alternative' Therapies

Saturday, June 7, 2008

I'm Free, Are You?

Dr. Dan Yachter has posted another great newsletter. Check it out:

I'm Free

Thursday, June 5, 2008

An Amazing Doctor, An Even More Amazing Witness for Christ

This is Dr. Pete Sulack. He is a chiropractor in Knoxville, Tn, and he and his work for Christ are nothing short of amazing. Channing and I have had the honor of hearing him speak and teach on a couple of occasions and left totally inspired, not only to help people with their physical health, but most importantly, with their spiritual health. He is a true servant of Christ and travels the globe to spread the Good News. Check out this article about Dr. Pete, his ministry, and his office:

Healing Hands - Amazing Ministry out of Knoxville Spans Several Continents

God Can Use You Program Starts in May 2008-A Nuts and Bolts Program for Christians who Want to Serve

Green Our Vaccines Rally 6/4/08

Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey led a 'Green Our Vaccines Rally' this week. Check out their interview with Dianne Sawyer on Good Morning America:

Here is Jim speaking at the rally:

CDC...MAKE OUR VACCINES SAFE!!! Do our kids really need 36 vaccines in their first few years of life?! We had 10! We survived. I didn't know any kids in school with autism. Now, I know many people with autistic children. Doesn't make a bit of sense.
When I was in school, I knew ONE person with a peanut allergy. ONE person. And I didn't meet her until high school. Now, peanut allergies are extremely common. They are so common that most schools don't even allow peanut products in their buildings anymore. It is an epidemic.
WE NEED VALID SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH ON VACCINES. Why won't the CDC do what it takes to make sure our children are receiving safe vaccines?! Things need to change. Our children can't make decisions about their health. They are forced to rely on us for those decisions. Let's do what it takes to make sure that our kids are protected. They deserve it.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

New Book

Dr. Tenpenny's Website

Vaccination Book Update
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
The book is on the press
We anticipated shipping Dr. Tenpenny's new book, "Saying No to Vaccines: A Resource Guide for All Ages," the week of May 1st.
Unfortunately, the complicated layout of the book and several other circumstances beyond our control delayed the printing for nearly six weeks.
Now, The good news!

The presses are FINALLY rolling and we plan to be shipping BOOKS and the included 75 MINUTE DVD the week of JUNE 16TH.
As a thank you for your patience - all who reserved a book prior to May 15th will be sent a copy of, "A Healthier You" - a $20 value - as a free gift. A life enhancement book, "A Healthier You" has chapters contributed by Deepak Chopra, Billy Blanks and Dr. Tenpenny.
As a second thank you, all orders received by June 16 will also receive free shipping.
Thank you so much! I'm sure you will find the book and DVD were worth the wait.
One more thing:
Note that the book has a different cover!!

Dr. Sherri (for titer information)

If you want to know more about Dr. Tenpenny and to read her story (which I think is INCREDIBLE), click on this link: Dr. Sherri Tenpenny's Story
SNTV-final cover

My new book, "Saying No to Vaccines: A Resource Guide for All Ages" is about to be

released. The 325 pages of this book are not just about childhood vaccinations. Adults are faced with an increasing number of vaccine requirements and many have been severely injured by vaccination. Being older does not automatically make vaccination safe.
You will learn how to refute the 25 most common mis-conceptions about vaccines, the book addresses problems with vaccines in all age groups. More than 20 tables are included so you will have reference to additives, perservatives, and vaccine requirements by states at your fingertips.

Vaccination issues facing international travelers, healthcare workers, nursing home workers and residents, adoptions, college students and those in the military are all included. Answers to dozens of FAQs will calm your nerves about vaccines in special circumstances.

A 75-minute DVD discussing the history of mandatory vaccination and concerns about the HPV cervical cancer vaccine called Gardasil is included in the book, a $30 value!

Importantly, a portion of the proceeds will be set aside to support the national autism groups AND I plan to send a book to every one of our 7,382 state legislators, starting with the women first. These people pass laws regarding vaccination mandates and exemptions; they need more information to make better decisions. Education about vaccines needs to be from the bottom up and the top down. Help me make these things come to pass.

Order now!
Call: 440-239-3438
Website orders NOW AVAILABLE!
Price $55
order from: NMA Media Press
7271 Engle Road #115
Middleburg Heights, Ohio 44130
440-239-1878 or 440-239-3438

Using a Cell Phone While Pregnant May Harm Your Baby

I have read several articles about the dangers of cell phone use, and I have wanted to turn a blind eye...really I have. I have wanted to pretend like I didn't believe it, and sometimes I've just blocked it out of my mind. However, as I continue to read more and more research about the dangers that come from using cell phones, I am convinced that my family and I need to move away from the constant use of them. As a matter of fact, in our home, we don't even have a landline. Looks like that may change...
Check out this story:

Cell Phone Use During Pregnancy Can Seriously Damage Your Baby

The study states that "according to a study of 13,00o women, women who use cell phones while pregnant are more likely to give birth to children with behavioral problems." Some of these problems include "hyperactivity and difficulties with conduct, emotions and relationships". These problems increased in children who actually used cell phones themselves before the age of 7.

Read the article to find out more dangers that come from excessive cell phone use, as well as wifi that's everywhere. It is eye-opening.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Are Drugmakers Going Down?

You may have heard it in school, you may have said it in school. If you didn't hear it or say it there, I'm sure you've heard it said in a movie, "Meet me behind the school at 3:00. You're going down!" According to an article on, Big Pharma may be hearing that very phrase themselves, "YOU'RE GOING DOWN!"

The article on says that the pharmaceutical industry will have NEGATIVE growth in 2011. This will be the FIRST TIME IN HISTORY. Can I get an amen?! For companies like AstraZeneca and GlaxoSmithKline, this is the worst crisis that they have faced in DECADES (according to the article). I know you can hear my tears falling, right?

Richard Girling, global co-head of health care at Merrill Lynch, says: “The problem is not so much the size of companies but the concentration and reliance on single products. This has been exacerbated by a lack of innovation over the years.”

The reason for this huge decline is because many of the patents they have on their main drugs are going to be ending soon. Once the patents end, generic drugs can put out their cheaper version of the same pills (great).

While negative growth in pharmaceutical companies is wonderful news, we don't need to start celebrating just yet. Why, you may ask? Well, I think Dr. Mercola says it best:

In an attempt to save their falling dynasty, drugmakers are likely to:

  • Pursue aggressive ad campaigns to doctors and patients
  • Increase drug prices
  • Attempt to extend patents on existing medications
You can also expect more scrambling to develop new “blockbuster” (i.e. money-making) drugs. In 2007, for example, pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies invested nearly $60 billion -- a record amount, up nearly $3 billion from 2006 -- to research and develop new drugs and vaccines.

Use medication as a last resort and not as a means of living. We need to take responsibility for our lives and our health and start taking care of the temples (our bodies) that God has entrusted to us. Only then will we see true health.

To read the full article about the decline in the pharmaceutical industry, click on the title below:

The Beginning of the End for Big Drugmakers?

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Placebo for Kids

I normally don't watch the Today Show, but for some reason, I had it on this morning while I was getting ready for work. What I saw really disturbed me. They had a woman and her husband on (Jennifer and Dennis Buettner) who have created a placebo company named Efficacy Brands. Mrs. Buettner had the idea for this company while taking care of her niece who suffered from hypochondria. She reasoned that her niece and other kids could benefit from taking placebo pills for small ailments because if they took a pill (thinking it was medication), they would feel better...thinking the medication was working in their bodies (aka: the placebo affect).

On the Today Show, I was glad to see Matt Lauer and the medical expert tell of how dangerous these placebo pills could be for the kids as they grow into adults because of their dependency on pills for all their ills (my words, not the shows). They explained that if kids get used to popping a pill every time they had any little thing wrong with them, our "pill-popping society" would become even worse. AMEN, MATT LAUER!!! The Buettner's countered with the idea that this would keep people off of medication because they would be taking placebo and not potentially dangerous medications.

I disagree. Matt Lauer and the show's expert had it right...our kids are already WAY too dependent on medication (as are our adults), and we're going to start making it worse by LYING to them and telling them we're giving them medicine and by teaching them that a pill can fix everything. SOMETHING IS MAJORLY WRONG WITH THIS IDEA! This is SO dangerous!
I was so so upset as I watched the interview. The sad thing is, a lot of people will buy into this and start giving their kids these placebo pills. Again, I think a tiny bit of what they're doing is good. I think they have good intentions, but I think their good intentions are going to bring very dangerous consequences. The only good thing about this idea is that the kids aren't taking dangerous meds. The super bad thing is that THEY WILL as they get older.

To read the whole story, check out this article I found from the NY Times:

Experts Question Placebo Pill for Children

My favorite excerpt from the article:

...some doctors worry that giving children “medicine” for every ache and pain teaches that every ailment has a cure in a bottle.

“Kids could grow up thinking that the only way to get better is by taking a pill,” Dr. Brody said. If they do that, he added, they will not learn that a minor complaint like a scraped knee or a cold can improve on its own.

Dr. David Spiegel, a psychiatrist who studies placebos at the Stanford School of Medicine, said conditioning children to reach for relief in a pill could also make them easy targets for quacks and pharmaceutical pitches later. “They used to sell candied cigarettes to kids to get them used to the idea of playing with cigarettes,” he said.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Wouldn't This Be a Miracle?

According to an article I found on, the FDA is being urged to offer a free hotline where patients can call and report serious side effects that they have experienced as a result of medication. Health experts said the hotline should be "mentioned in television commercials and also needs to be more widely promoted on pill bottles and pharmacy packaging."

'"You've got to make it real easy for folks to report this information," Cheryl Holt, a University of Alabama professor of preventive medicine, said at a meeting held to discuss the FDA's hotline for complications.'

To read the whole article, click on the title below:

FDA urged to push hotline for side effects

This should have been done LONG AGO. The FDA needs to stop looking the other way and do something to make serious medical side effects known to the general public. That's what they are paid to do, right?

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Powerful Video

Turn YOUR Power On

Our office slogan is simple, "Is your power on?"
Though a simple sentence, it signifies something much more important...the nerve system and the power that God put in each of our bodies to heal.
Our slogan asks the question plainly and simply, "Is your power on?" You see, when your spine moves out of alignment, or subluxates, it causes pressure and damage in your central nervous system, and your body is not able to heal as it should. Think of it this way, your spinal cord is like a water hose. When that water hose kinks (by bones which have moved out of alignment), the life that flows from your brain, out the nerves, to all the organs and tissues in your body is unable to flow as it should...just like a water hose that kinks as it's going out to your garden. If it goes undetected, your garden will not get the water that it needs for life and will wither as a result. Your body is the same way. When subluxations go undetected, your body withers.

Check out this great article from best-selling author, Ben Lerner. He explains the importance of having your power turned on and gives some scientific facts about the spine and how it relates to the overall health and healing of your body.

Here's the article:

Vitalism--Turn Your Power On!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Do You Understand Drug Commercials?

I can't tell you how excited I am to see this article on Cnn News:

Do Consumers Understand Drug Ads?

Every time I turn on the t.v., I see commercial after commercial telling me that I need a drug to handle everything I experience: from colds to arthritis to trouble socializing. Literally, there are commercials advertising for everything under the sun. It's incredibly disheartening.

According to this article, drug makers spend 5 BILLION a year directly marketing their drugs to YOU and YOUR families. Even more troubling is that it seems to be working. For every $1,000 the drug companies spend, 24 new presciptions are filled, that according to the House Commerce Committee.

"That's a feature common to most drug ads: they leave you confused about the information. The FDA states that DTC commercials must present a "fair balance" of the benefits and side effects of a drug, but it's obvious most don't. Drug ads are, not surprisingly, meant to sell products, not scare consumers off, so they're notorious for careening quickly through the obligatory list of the medication's risks."

I hope you realize this when you're watching your favorite show and these commercials come on. The drug companies don't want you to notice the possible dangerous side effects. They want you to focus on the magical qualites of their "wonder drugs". Ha! Read the article on to see all the psychology that goes into making drug commercials. They even have an example to show; a one-minute ad from Merck/Schering-Plough's cholesterol-lowering drug Vytorin." They spend a lot of time and money figuring out how to distort the facts. Nice, right? Does that give you confidence in that new wonder drug you just got a prescription filled for?

Check out the article to see the "eye-opening data on several DTC drug ads" and how the stacked up. What you read may surprise you. It surprised me, and I've been studying this stuff for a few years.

Other people are noticing these insane drug ads. Check out this Saturday Night Live spoof of the drug "Annuale" meant to poke fun at a very real birth control pill, Seasonale.

Friday, May 16, 2008

The Cure For Cancer

If you're like me, you know at least one person with cancer or who has battled cancer in the past (if you're really like me, you probably know several). It's CRAZY how prevalent it is these days. Check out this powerful article written by Dr. Dan Yachter:

The Cure for Cancer

Let's get healthy the natural way!