Monday, September 15, 2008

MILLIONS Affected by Drugs in Their Drinking Water

Do you live in Georgia, Alabama, Nevada, or Colorado? If so, I have news you need to read. If you live elsewhere...guess what? You need to read it to. If it's happening here and affecting myself and my fellow neighbors, it could very well be happening where you live too.
Wonder what I'm talking about?

Testing prompted by an Associated Press about trace amounts of pharmaceuticals in drinking water has shown that more Americans are affected by the problem than previously thought -- at least 46 million.

46 million people are ingesting drugs that are not meant for them through their drinking water. We're bathing in it, soaking it into our skin. We're cooking with it, giving it to our children. Does this sound safe to you? It's no wonder so many people are so sick. It's no wonder immune systems are constantly weakened and people are getting cancer right and left.
This, my friends, is dangerous. I don't care how much the FDA tries to convince us that these drugs aren't affecting us, think about it. How could they not?

To read the whole article, click on the link below:

46 Million Affected by Trace Drugs in Drinking Water


Leslie said...

That's interesting. Richard said he just heard a report that tap water is no different than bottled water. ??? That's all he gave me, no specifics but I do think bottled water TASTE better.