Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Turn YOUR Power On

Our office slogan is simple, "Is your power on?"
Though a simple sentence, it signifies something much more important...the nerve system and the power that God put in each of our bodies to heal.
Our slogan asks the question plainly and simply, "Is your power on?" You see, when your spine moves out of alignment, or subluxates, it causes pressure and damage in your central nervous system, and your body is not able to heal as it should. Think of it this way, your spinal cord is like a water hose. When that water hose kinks (by bones which have moved out of alignment), the life that flows from your brain, out the nerves, to all the organs and tissues in your body is unable to flow as it should...just like a water hose that kinks as it's going out to your garden. If it goes undetected, your garden will not get the water that it needs for life and will wither as a result. Your body is the same way. When subluxations go undetected, your body withers.

Check out this great article from best-selling author, Ben Lerner. He explains the importance of having your power turned on and gives some scientific facts about the spine and how it relates to the overall health and healing of your body.

Here's the article:

Vitalism--Turn Your Power On!