Thursday, August 21, 2008

More Parents Are Refusing to Vaccinate

And it may not be the parents you would expect. Many educated middle class families are opting out of vaccinations. To read more, check out the following story:

Intelligent, Informed Parents Are Refusing to Give Their Children Vaccines


Anonymous said...

I wouldn't say "informed" parents. Well, I guess it depends on where you get your "information". We wouldn't want to "damage our child for the rest of his life." I am sure that extra bit of Vit. C and cod liver oil will knock out that measles-induced encephalitis your child has left over after he gets through measles. Speaking of oil, sounds like someone sold somebody some snake oil.

Anonymous said...

Hi Annie! I love that this article mentioned the effects of vaccines on the immune system! You rarely hear about that. Thanks to Dr. Dan, we've been briefed on what kinds of repercussions vaccines, antibiotics and other medications have on our immune system. Our bodies were intricately created to fight off disease, if only we wouldn't interfere in the Maker's plan!! Thanks for such an informative blog! I always enjoy checking in on you! : ) Heidi (Holly's sister)