Thursday, July 10, 2008

More on Gardasil

A couple of days ago, I posted the latest news on victims of the Merck vaccine, Gardasil. I said in the post that I had a newsletter that you guys needed to see. I've got it for you. Check out Barbara Loe Fisher's article:

HPV Vaccine Victims Pile Up: $1.5B for Merck

Here is her opening paragraph:

While Merck has pulled in $1.5B from sales of GARDASIL vaccine worldwide, there are continuing reports that girls are being crippled and dying after getting the HPV vaccine fast tracked and licensed by the FDA in 2006. Although the roll-out of GARDASIL with an unparalleled multi-million dollar mass media advertising blitz has created a profitable market for the drug company that took huge losses from Vioxx injury/death lawsuits, the persistent reports of Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS) paralysis, arthritis, seizures and sudden loss of consciousness within 24 hours of vaccination continue to haunt the marketing campaign.

Check out the article to read more. This is definitely worth your time. If you have a daughter or have been considering getting this vaccine, you need to hear what your doctor may not tell you (he/she may not know himself).