Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Do You Drink Diet Drinks?

Do you drink diet drinks or eat diet foods? If so, this image may change your habits. I hope so anyway. Check out this link to see what a woman discovered when she did a little experiment of her own.

Now THAT is scary! If you don't drink diet drinks, like me, I'm sure you know someone who does. I know people who drink several diet drinks a day. Can you imagine what all that aspartame is doing to their bodies? According to Mary Nash Stoddard, who presented research findings at a Tesla conference, shared the what aspartame contains and why it is so bad for us:

It's a synthetic compound. It's two amino acids: Phenylalanine 50% which lowers the seizure threshold in some individuals, and the head of Brain Science at MIT said that it causes seizures and can cause brain tumors. Aspartic Acid is 40% of the molecule and according to Dr. John Olney, the world expert on Aspartic Acid, who just held the News Conference in Washington, November the 18th, in connection with Aspartame and brain tumors, said that it caused lesions in the brains of lab animals. What's more, it changed the DNA ... which means that it will affect future generations. It skipped a generation and went on to the third generation in the lab animal experiments ... producing morbidly obese and sexually dysfunctional lab animals.

Did you catch the part about affecting FUTURE generations? So, when you drink these poisons, you're not only affecting yourself, but your children's children as well. Now THAT is scary! Exodus 20:5 says, "For I, the Lord, am a jealous God visiting the iniquities of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generation." Ok, so I'm sure God wasn't specifically talking about Diet Cokes here, but it shows that these things we do here on Earth affect our children's children.

When asked if she really believed that the FDA would allow something so dangerous to be on the market, Stoddard replied with this:

Well, they actually would. We compare this to the cigarette issue because it's a very close parallel. How many cigarettes does it take to cause lung cancer or a stroke, or a heart attack? How many diet drinks do you have to consume to get a brain tumor? How many spoonfuls of Equal do you have to take to have a pancreatic tumor or liver damage? The answer is: We don't know exactly what amount because it does not show up in short term testing. It's the long term effect. I got into this in the first place because of children and the effect it is having on children. I saw the effects in my youngest, who began to have migraines when she started drinking this Kool Aid flavored drink (Crystal Light) that came in sample packets in the mail to us. She developed chest pains and heart attack-like symptoms ... which I took her to a Heart Specialist for. Finally, she was carried in from a school field trip, after having had a grand mal seizure.

Before I actually cared about my health (back in the days when I was most concerned about my figure and appearance), I tried to like diet drinks. I tried hard. I just never could acquire a taste for them. I praise God for that today. I know so many people (including people in my family and close friends that I dearly love) who drink a minimum of two diet drinks a day. A MINIMUM OF TWO! That means, some days they'll drink even more.

Aspartame is a known cancer-causing agent. An analysis published in the Journal of Oncology Practice, says the number of cancer patients and survivors will swell to 55% by 2020. It will grow to 18.2 million, up from 11.7 million in 2005.
Aspartame is not the lone contributor to cancer, of course, however, it appears to be contributing. Think about that before you buy that next pack of diet soda (I'm from the south, and typing 'soda' was incredibly difficult for me!).


Anonymous said...

okay, that is disgusting!! i'm so glad you posted that b/c i LOVE diet coke, but i haven't been drinking it lately (mostly b/c i'm pregnant), but also b/c i kept hearing about all these terrible effects of aspartame. that study was eye opening, though. i can honestly say that the thought of drinking another diet drink...much less ENJOYING one makes me pretty nauseated! thanks again for the info, annie! you're the best!

Unknown said...

What is soda? Is that like pop?

annieck said...

Let pregnancy set you free from diet drinks, Lindsey! :) :)
Luke, pop is waaaay worse than soda! If you catch me calling a Coke a pop, call someone. There's been something put in my drink!