Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Larry King Live & Autism Awareness

Last week, my family and I were blessed by a trip to Disney World (thanks, MiMi and PaPa!). I was so excited about the escape. I was thrilled to get away from the normal every day stresses of life and to enjoy a little time with my family and Mickey Mouse. First night there (it was past midnight), my father-in-law informs me that on Larry King Live they were discussing Autism (seriously people, this stuff FOLLOWS me!). I immediately turned it on and watched.
It was an amazing show! They were discussing autism because that day had been declared National Autism Awareness Day (now if that doesn't tell you there's an epidemic, I don't know what does). Anyway, it was a great show. If you missed it, here are some of the highlights:


dev said...

Awesome video, Annie! I love that Jenny McCarthy is so vocal on this issue. I saw her on Oprah and she was amazing. I love their point about the Amish!

annieck said...

I agree. She is really opening people's eyes to the dangers of the current vaccine schedule as well as the dangereous ingredients involved in these vaccines.
I, like her, would like to see a study of vaccinated vs. non-vaccinated kids and the incidence of autism. Of course, you can't get the AAP or the CDC to agree to that.

holly said...

Wow, I just got around to watching this. Powerful...never heard that about the Amish. I, too, saw her on Oprah, and she started me and my sister on our journey to research more about not vaccinating our children. Can you imagine how horrible it would be to have your child completely changed and not communicating with you after a vaccine, and then have nobody believe you...tough. I really admire her for stepping out. It definitely takes "star power" for some people to see the importance of some issues.