Monday, May 5, 2008

Anti-Psychotic Drugs Being Used by Our Sweet Babies...By Prescription!

I found this article this morning on CNN's Health site. Although this isn't really news to me, it may be to you.

Study: Anti-psychotic drug use soars among U.S. and U.K. kids

And let me make things clear...this article isn't talking about high school kids who are taking these drugs for recreation (which is a whole other post). These are our sweet little children being prescribed anti-psychotic drugs!!! The article states that, according to a comparison study with the U.K., "American children take anti-psychotic medicines at about six times the rate of children in the United Kingdom." WAY TO GO, AMERICA! Something to really be proud of, huh? We're filling our kids full of anti-psychotic drugs! Fabulous!

According to the article, experts say that both countries are OVER-PRESCRIBING drugs that have not been proven safe for children!!! Check out this excerpt:

"The new U.K. study, involving 1992-2005 health records of more than 16,000 children, is the first large examination of these drugs in U.K. children. It found the increase was mostly in medicines that haven't been officially approved for kids. They were most commonly prescribed for behavior and conduct disorders, which include attention deficit disorder."

Ok, so let me clear this up. Drugs are being prescribe to kids for "behavior and conduct disorders." Hmmmm...that's funny. Seems to me, the Bible has plenty to say about what to do with behavior and conduct disorders, and nowhere did I see to prescribe drugs for these problems. We have got to discipline our kids...not drug them!!!

Are you interested in any of the side effects of these drugs? Let me enlighten you:

"Side effects including weight gain, nervous-system problems and heart trouble have been reported in children using these drugs and there's little long-term evidence about whether they're safe for them, the study authors said."

Ok, stop here. Weight gain. Cause your children to gain weight. That will do a lot for their self-esteem. I'm sure they'll act just right then. Nervous system problems...hmmmm....your CNS controls all the functions of your body. Yeah, let's mess that one up! Heart I really need to say anything about that???

And now, a super stand-out quote from the article:
'"I find it really interesting that we're now seeing increases in other countries besides the U.S., which suggests that the magnitude of this issue is global," said Cooper, also an author of the 2004 U.S. study'

Please forgive me for this post laden with sarcasm. I am just so tired of seeing our sweet innocent kids filled full of dangerous and unnecessary medications. I understand, some of these kids are being given medications for autism (which I believe is directly related to the dangerous chemicals in vaccines. In essence, drug companies are making drugs to moderate the problems they created, which, as you can see from the article, are only causing more health problems. Thus, MORE DRUGS!). I don't have an autistic child, so I cannot begin to imagine what those parents go through. However, I have seen lots of information about natural methods for treating autism, including nutrition and therapy.

Other kids are being treated with anti-psychotic drugs because of hyperactivity. I don't even know what to say about that. There is SO MUCH information out there that explains the causes of hyperactivity. Some include television shows, lack of sleep, poor nutrition, lack of discipline, etc. I have taught kids who were on these anti-psychotic drugs, and they were like zombies. It is heart-breaking!
For more natural methods of treating ADHD, you should check out Dr. Bob DeMaria's book "Dr. Bob's Guide to Stop ADHD in 18 Days." It's got a plethora of great information.

The over-drugging of our kids needs to stop. It's not fair to them, it's keeping them from their God-given potential, and it's reinforcing the need for drugs for fulfillment. If your child is on anti-psychotic drugs, I beg you to research, research, research!!! Don't take your doctor or the drug company's word that the medication is safe. Often times, there is a more natural approach that will render greater results.

Thanks for stopping by, and BLESSINGS TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY!!!


LeAnne said...

Hey Annie! Thanks for this post! I had no idea that this was so widespread in such little ones.
